Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Otakon 2008 AMV [no] Contest.

it is with a heavy heart that i must inform to all of you that my AMV, Dyson's Revelation, did not make it as a finalist in this years Otakon AMV contest. follow this link to the result page.

well it was fun and a little nerve racking anticipating for the results - i must admit i had thought i had a really good shot at it - but now that the wait it over, i can just look forward to watching my AMV during the overflow. plus there's the rest of the con to enjoy. oh, and the dealer's room. **salivating**

mucho congrats to the winners, and for the rest of us lets keep contributing.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about this Ariel! Not sure if this will make you feel any better, but I think you did an incredible job with this music video =)

Don't worry, there's always next year...better get started and perfecting your next video!

sdinma said...

Your next video should be nothing but characters from various animes flipping off the viewers (the judges). That'll show 'em.