Monday, June 1, 2009

The Screwdriver: My Motive, My Opportunity.

when i was a kid i used to break my toys to see how they worked inside.

  • all of my G.I Joe and Transformers toys would last for about a couple of months before i started to take them apart.
  • i remember owning one of the earliest video game systems. it was a TV game console that resembled like a late 80's cell phone. it had games on it like Tennis (Pong). i was fascinated with the knobs and switches so i took it apart.
  • my dad came home with a CB Ham radio. in minutes i was on taking to a truck driver. four hours later i tore it apart curious about the insides.
  • i took apart my Atari 2600. luckily i was able to put it back together again, and work. i wasn't going to mess with that.
  • one of my early BMX bikes was constantly being taken apart and put back together just to enjoy the pure mechanics of the process.
  • i added speakers to a clock radio in my room.
  • from Radio Shaq i bought mini lights and switches to illuminate a storage cabinet i attached it to.
  • i wire up the cable box to all the TV's in the apartment using a selector switch.
  • i used to own an early Sony MD deck until the disc drive got stuck. i opened it up and temporarily got to work again.
  • i've taken apart all of my computers to study the board layout.

above are just a few examples i can remember off the top of my head.

i blame my curiosity as it consequently caused many of my toys to not fully recover, or at all. however it is not without it's conspirator.

the screwdriver was my motive, and opportunity. it allowed me to explore the insides of my curiosities. it helped me to get through the shells, the barriers to the wonders of electronics, wires, and mechanisms. it was the one toy i could never get inside.


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