Monday, January 5, 2009

So they finally got to me.

part of my daily routine is to log into my YouTube accounts and check to see how my videos are doing. so what did i find the minute i logged into my aclion account? the following message:

(blocked by content owner) | Matched third party content.

click on the pic below to see the screen capture.

so they finally got to me. but i wonder why they stopped there and not block any of the other related videos. perhaps it's because the title contained the name of a certain song by a certain 80's british pop-star.

in any case, the video had been blocked, but only on YouTube. apparently the video can still be accessed on my media site. so it's not completely gone.

i'll keep an update on this.


*** update *** Jan 20 2009 ***

i have chosen to mute the audio just to keep the video playing. if you happen to have the song, just play it along with the video.

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