Tuesday, February 2, 2010

3D Movie Scam

when Avatar came out, like most movie goers, the first time watching it was in 3D. not in IMAX, but in a typical movie theater where 3D was available via a pair of 3D glasses by RealD 3D. the price of watching this visual masterpiece? $14.50! later i watched it again at Jordan's IMAX in Natick with the experience being infinitely superior. price? $12. Why is IMAX cheaper?

the stupidity in all of this is the fact that in a movie complex (here in MA) you pay $10.50 for a movie. but for an extra $4 you get the movie in 3D along with the 3D glasses. at the end of the movie, when you leave the theater room, there's a bin just outside with a pile of used 3D glasses thrown in. the sign on it asked to return the glasses - the 3D glasses you paid for - by encouraging you to "re-cycle" them.

do you see the scam here? after charging you $14.50 the multiplex takes the glasses you threw away - excuse me, re-cycled - then sell it to another patron, and start the scam all over again.

it's a good scam, don't get me wrong.

in contrast at IMAX you pay $12 for a movie. you get the 3D glasses before you take your seat. then you return the 3D glasses to a friendly employee at the end of the movie.

i (and perhaps you) would think patrons would be encouraged to keep the 3D glasses they get at the multiplex, and get some kind of discount for the next 3D presentation so they're not paying the full $14.50. man, at least take $2 off the price of the ticket. or how about charging us $12 for the movie, and $2 for the 3D glasses if needed? in this economy any chance to save a few bucks is a welcome.

ever wonder how much energy is wasted to "re-cycle" those used 3D glasses whether they are simple disinfected before they are repackaged for resale, or melted down to make news ones?

the last time i saw Avatar in 3D at a multiplex, i decided to keep my 3D glasses. why not? i paid for them. plus i like wearing them better than the ones you get from IMAX. i'll bring them along with me for the next 3D movie i watch in IMAX where the experience is infinitely superior, and the price cheaper.


1 comment:

Bill said...

I completely agree, this is a pretty big scam. I believe that the price is the same at Imax regardless if the movie is in 3d or not.